100% Tested Car Diagnostic Softwares
- Carsoft Mercedes 7.4 (fully cracked) + installation files
(works with any ISO9141 (K) line interface, except the one with
optocouplers). We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903 (both
schematics could be found at this DVD).
Separate: 200 euro
- Carsoft BMW 6.1 + SP4 (fully cracked) + installation files
(it also works with any ISO9141 (K-L) line interface, except the one with
optocouplers). We recommend “LM2903” interface with additional L line
solution (aslo can be found at this DVD).
Separate: 200 euro
- VISA Universal Diagnostic Tool v1.83 (fully cracked) + schematic
We recommend older Carsoft’s interface with two COM ports (this schematic
can be found at this DVD).
Check VUDT-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars.
Separate: 150 euro
- VAG-COM 208.1 - 311.2 installation files + key generator + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199.
(in this package you’ll also get all older versions (older and newer) of VAGCOM.
We don’t have CAN-BUS solution or any VAG-COM USB interface
Separate: 50 euro
- Volvo Fault Code Reader installation files + crack + schematic
We recommed interface with LM2903.
(this software can read out all fault codes on this models: 800 series (from
’96), C70 (from ‘97 till ‘98), S40 and V40 (from ’97 till ’98), S70 and V70
(from ’97 till ’98) and 900 series (include: S90 and V90 from ’96).
Separate: 50 euro
- BMW Scanner v1.2.3 - P.A.Soft, 2004 (fully cracked) + interface and
dongle schematics
(it is highly recommended to use all instructions given by P.A. Soft)
This software supports: DME, EGS, EWS, IKE and LCM on all BMW models
Separate: 80 euro
- BMW DS2 Diagnostic Scanner software + interface schematic
We recommend special BMW DS2 interface (schematic can be found at this
DVD). This software can diagnose all BMW models with DS2 protocol (mostly
those one with OBD2 diagnostic plug). It supports: DME/ME, IKE and
instrument cluster, EGS (automatic transmission), EWS (immobilizer), ABS,
AirCondition, LCM, PDC and ZKE
Separate: 40 euro
- Carsoft BMW v3.71 installation files + schematic + dongle HEX files
(all required information can be found at this DVD)
This software can diagnose all BMW models with 20-pin diagnostic plug
Separate: 30 euro
- Renault DDT Diagnostic Tool (French) installation files + database +
interface schematic
(all required information can be found at this DVD)
Separate: 40 euro
- OBD Tool version 1.2.60 and 1.2.59 installation files + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903.
(this software can read out fault codes on many ISO9141 vehicles with OBD2
diagnostic plug – it also support reading live data parameters on some models)
Separate: 40 euro
100% Tested Dashboard Softwares
Separate: 180 euro
- TACHOPRO 13011 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
- TACHOPRO 30039 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
- TACHOPRO 03038 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
- TACHOPRO 23013 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
Check TACHO23013-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars.
- TACHOPRO 28111 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
This is so called TACHO BOX V2 and it’s the newest version which works in
Windows platforms. We recommend to use Windows 98 Second Edition.
(A4_alt.exe, A4mfa.exe, A6_alt.exe, A8_alt.exe, A8_neu.exe, Audi-Beetle-A
class.exe, Db.exe, Db_v23.exe, Db2000.exe, Dbneu.exe, E36.exe, E38.exe,
E38hw4.exe, E39.exe, Golf_mm.exe, Kennung.exe, Mag_s23.exe,
Mag_v1.exe, Mag_v2.exe, Magnet_4.exe, Magneti.exe, Moto_s13.exe,
Moto1.exe, Moto2.exe, Motom.exe, Polo_mm.exe, Service.exe, Sharan.exe,
Sp.exe, Tachopro.exe, Vdo2001.exe, Vdo66.exe, Vdo66a.exe, Vdo86.exe,
- Dashboard Opel Tool v0.8 software + schematic
We recommend interface with LM2903
(this software supports all Astra and Vectra models (older and newer), except
the one with TRW dashboards)
- VAG DashTool by GOPEL software + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903
(it can recalibrate KM and read out the login codes (immobilizer) via OBD2
diagnostic plug on these models: Golf IV VDO (93c86), Golf IV Motometer
(24c02), Skoda Octavia VDO (93c66), Audi A6 VDO (93c66), Audi A3 VDO
(93c66) and VW Passat B5 VDO (93c66 i 93c86))
It doesn’t support any model with CAN-BUS protocol!!!
- VAG EEprom Programmer v1.0 software + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199
(it can recalibrate KM and read out the login codes (immobilizer) via OBD2
diagnostic plug on these models: Audi A3 VDO 93C66, Audi A4 VDO 93C66,
Audi A6 VDO 93C66, Skoda Octavia VDO 93C66, VW Bora Motometer
24C02, VW Golf4 Motometer 24C02, VW Golf 4 VDO 93C66, VW Passat VDO
- VAG EEprom Programmer v1.3 software + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199
A full list of supported cars is not avaiable, yet!
- VW Magneti Marelli softwares + interface and dongle schematics
We recommend interface with LM2903
(vw4.exe works with Audi A4 (VDO) and VW Passat ‘97 (green lights)
Magnetti Marelli; audib5.exe works with Audi and VW Passat (Magnetti
marelli); vwb5h.exe works with VW Passat (Magnetti Marelli)
- VAG VDO / Magneti Marelli software + interface
We recommend interface with LM2903
(it works with all VDO and Magneti Marelli dashboards in VAG cars)
- VW Golf III Motometer and VDO software + connection diagram
It can recalibrate KM on Golf III via TACHO connector on dashboard
- Dashmaster PRO EEprommer 2.4 and 2.2 software+ dongle schematic
This software can recalibrate KM directly via EEprom. It supports next serial
EEproms: 93c06, 93c46, 93c56, 93c66, 93c86, 24c02 and 24c16.
100% Tested Dashboard Calculators
Separate: 150 euro
- Dash Adjustment (universal calculator)
Check DA-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
- Dash Calibration 2.0.17 (universal calculator)
Check DC-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
- TACHO Calculator (universal calculator) cracked
This is cracked software, which can be very useful as a standard dashboard
Check TC-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
- TachoSoft's Mileage Calculator v1.7 (universal calculator)
Check TMC-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
This calculator is protected with Armadillo. That’s not a problem, because in
this package, you’ll get all manuals about how to crack it.
- TachoSoft's Mileage Calculator v1.5 (universal calculator)
This calculator is protected with Armadillo. That’s not a problem, because in
this package, you’ll get all manuals about how to crack it.
- Licznik v5.16b (universal calculator) cracked
This is also another one cracked software, which can be used as a standard
calculator. This software also can recalibrate KM directly via EEprom, but for
that is needed special interface (that schematic can’t be found at this DVD). It
supports more than 30 different car models (Alfa, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Fiat,
Ford, Lancia, Mazda...)
- Licznik Daisy & Smok v3.69b (universal calculator) cracked
This is also another one cracked software, which can be used as a standard
calculator. This software also can recalibrate KM directly via EEprom, but for
that is needed special interface (that schematic can’t be found at this DVD). It
supports more than 20 different car models (Alfa, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Fiat,
Ford, Lancia, Mazda...)
- Fiat KM Calibration by GOPEL
Standard caluclator which supports mostly a newer Fiat models like: Scudo
and Punto with HC(9)08; Punto, Punto III, Seicento and Double with
ST95040; Brava with 93c56 and HC(7)05E6;
- Ford (Focus) KM Calculator by GOPEL
Calculator which supports some Focus models with HC11 and 24c16
- Alfa / Fiat / Lancia Dashboard Calculator
It supports: AlfaRomeo 156 with HC711KG4; Fiat Brava with HC(7)05; Fiat
Marea with HC(7)05E6 and HC(7)11K; Lancia Y with HC(7)05E6
- VW Golf5 KM Calibration by GOPEL
As you can assume from headline, this is caluclator for VW Golf V only
100% Tested Immo (Login Code) Calculators
Separate: 80 euro
- IMMOread v1.3.19 (universal caluclator)
From dashboard: VW Golf IV Motometer Rv97 and Rv99 (IMMO2); VW Golf
IV Motometer Rv2001 (IMMO3); VW Golf IV VDO Rv2000; VW Passat B5
VDO Rv98 and Rv99 (IMMO2); Audi TT Magnetti Mareli (HC908) Rv2001; Audi
A4 Jeager (HC912) Rv2000; Audi A4 Motometer i Jeager (HC12) Rv2000;
Audi A4 VDO Rv2000; Audi A4 NSI Rv1999; Audi A6 VDO Rv1997; Skoda
Octavia VDO Rv1997 (IMMO2); Škoda Octavia VDO Rv2002 (IMMO3) and
Opel Tigra (68HC05). Models with external immo: VW T4 2.5TDi Rv2003
(IMMO4); VW Polo 1.4i (68HC05) Rv95 i 96 and VW Polo till 2000 (Siemens)
and Skoda Felicia with 68HC05. From ECU: Skoda Fabia 1.4 MPi (93c86 i
93c76) and VW Group TDi EDC15xx.
- IMMOread v1.0 (universal caluclator)
VW Golf IV Motometer Rv97 and Rv99 (IMMO2); VW Passat B5 VDO Rv98
(IMMO2); Audi A4 VDO Rv 2000 (IMMO3); Skoda Octavia VDO Rv2002
(IMMO3) and Skoda Felicia with external immo.
- VAG PIN - Immobiliser VW Utility
1H0.953.257 (HC05); 6H0.953.257 (TMS370C712); VALEO (24C04 );
3B0.881.xxx; 3B0.920.825; 1J0.920.805F; 1J0.920.84x; 1J5.920.826C
(Skoda); 1M0.920.82x (Seat Leon); 1U0.920.811F; 1U1.033.xxx (Skoda);
6Y1.919.86x (Fabia); 8L0.920.900 (Audi A3); 8D0.919.861 (Audi B5) and
Yazaki Audi.
- TachoSoft's Immo Login Calculator
Audi VDO from ‘96 till 2000; All Audi with 93c86; Seat Toledo VDO from ’99
(93c86); Seat Toledo VDO from 2001 (93c86); Seat Ibiza VDO from ’99
(93c86); Skoda Felicia VDO from ’96 till 2001 (93c86); Skoda Fabia VDO
from 2001 till 2004 (93c86); Skoda Octavia VDO from ’96 till 2000; Skoda
Octavia VDO from ’99 till 2001 (93c86); Skoda Octavia VDO from 2001 till
2004 (93c86); Skoda Felicia (68HC05) with external immo; VW Golf 4
Motometer (24c02); VW Golf 4 VDO from ’96 till 2000; VW Passat VDO from
’96 till 2000 and VW Passat VDO with 93c86 from ’99 till 2001.
- Renault Immo Calculator via VIN and key number
This is original renault’s login (immo) code calculator via VIN and key number.
All required information about how to calculate a correcte code, can be found
at this DVD.
100% Tested Airbag Softwares
Separate: 100 euro
- BOSCH Airbag Reset Tool by GOPEL + interface schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199
This software can erase crash data from BOSCH’s airbag module on many
Audi models (via OBD2 diagnostic plug
- VW Airbag Reset Tool (so called Sensor) + interface schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903
This software can erase crash data from airbag module on some VW models
(via OBD2 diagnostic plug)). It supports next modules: VW2 (6N0...); VW3
(1J0...); VW5 (6Q0...1C0 (HC908)) and VW6 (6Q0...C). In this package you’ll
get all required documents about erasing crash data in airbag modules
- PCDVW93 AIRBAG-DIAGNOSTIC-COMPUTER + interface schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903
This software can erase crash data from VW3 airbag computer on some VW
- VAG AIRBAG Memory Scanner v1.03N + interface schematic
We recommend interface with LM2903
This software can erase crash data from any airbag module with 68HC05.
Those modules mostly can be found on some VAG models.
On these few pages you could see some more information about our 100% tested
solutions. Those softwares are very valuable and as we mentioned – this is really great
opportunity to get your own copy.
That’s not all, because we have many other solutions to offer you… Stay with us!
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Code Calculators from Serial Number
Separate: 100 euro
- BP CODE CALC by Phil Adams & Carl Burger
Available for most Blaupunkt car radio's with fixed code numbers (cover
models up to 2000). Note: OEM coded models - OPEL, NISSAN, BMW,
Citroen, Renault , Mercedes (cover models up to 2000)
- Fiat, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo Code Calculator by Phil Adams & Carl Burger
Available for most Blaupunkt Fiat, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo car radio's with fixed
code numbers
- Ford Radio Universal Code Calculator v1.1 cracked (so called FRUCC)
This calculator is protected with Armadillo. That’s not a problem, because in
this package, you’ll get all manuals about how to crack it.
It supports all Ford car radio’s with fixed code numbers (M, L and C series;
Old Models and FIC / American).
- Grundig Serial Codes
This is a original database with serial numbers and codes from all Grundig car
radios till 2000. Examples:
Grundig car radio in some VW vehicle:
VWZ2Z2V4000014 – serial number
41/10/97 - date
1280 – code
Gurndig car radio in some OPEL vehicle:
GM0303P1000038 – serial number
36/09/93 - date
9168 - code
- Becker Calculator by Elcar
This is a calculator for all Becker’s with 4, 6 and 8 buttons. It also supports
some models with 4-digit code.
- FX2K Radio Decoder Professional
This software contains of calculators with algorithm for: Becker, Blaupunkt,
Clarion, Daewoo, Ford, Hyndai and Volvo.
Car Radio Decoding Tools
SmartCard Emulators
Separate: 30 euro
- Blaupunkt SmartCard Emulator with ATMEL 89C2051
This is a simple emulator of BP smart cards.
Package includes: all required schematics, dongle HEX file and instructions for
smart card installation into a car radio.
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Code Calculators from DUMP
Separate: 15 euro
AISSA09 Mercedes Audio 10 Decoder
Blaupunkt Code Calculator
Blaupunkt Code Viewer by Bacila v0.02 beta
Blaupunkt Peugeot T1 Series Code Viewer v1.0b
BMW Bavaria C Business RDS (KEH-92) Code Calculator
BP Lubeck CC22 Code Calculator
Carradio EEprom Code Reader v1.10
Clarion CD6300 Calculator
Clarion Decoder
Code Calculator Second Edition 157 by VAF
Code Calculator Second Edition v2.12.51.63
Daewoo Code Calculator
Daewoo Serial Number Calculator v1.0
Daewoo Serials Calculator 1.00
Decoder Pioneer KE92zbm
Display Emulator v2.0 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v2.1 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v2.52 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v2.6 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v3.0
Dragon Electronics Radio Decoder v1.1a
Dump Reader v1.1.0 by TeeD'Ex
Dump Utility v1.01
Dump Utility v2.0 beta
Dump Utility v4.0
Dump Utility v4.1
EEprom Burner v1.1.39
EPROMr Control Software v2.0.0
Ford 70007 Code Viewer by Vic
Ford Car Radio Decode by Steve Stargate
Ford Code Calculator by AS-COMP
Ford Code Reader v1.0 Demo
Ford Code Reader v1.03 Full
Ford Old Serial Code Calculator
Ford Sound 2000 by Digital
Ford Sound 2000 Series Code Decrypter v1.01
Ford Sound 2000 Series Code Decrypter v2.00
Grundig Code Calculator
Grundig Code Remover v1.0 by GNM_Soft
Grundig SC303 (D) Checksum Calculator
Grundig SC303D Code Calculator by GNM_Soft
Grundig WKC Series Code Calculator v3.0 by stef_no1
Grundig WKC Series Code Calculator v3.10 by stef_no1
Grundig WKC Series Code Calculator v4.0 by stef_no1
Hyundai Calculator (H810, 820, 850)
KOVYSoft Encrypter (Grundig & Ford)
Philips CAR400
Philips CCR600 v1.2d by DoctoraBG
Philips CCR600 v1.2e by DoctoraBG
Philips Code Reader v0.02
Philips Code Reader v1.03 Full
TMS Code Calculator v1.2
Volvo CR-705 Code Calculator 1.01
Volvo CR-905 Code Calculator 1.00
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Car Radio Schematics
Car Radio Schematics
Separate: 15 euro
Aiwa ADC-M60-EX66-EX106
Aiwa CDC-175-1750-150
Aiwa CDC-R136
Aiwa CDC-R-146M
Aiwa CDC-X116-X136-X1360-X1400
Aiwa CDC-X176M-1765M
Aiwa CDC-Z106
Aiwa CT-208-218-418
Aiwa CT-FR706-709
Aiwa CT-FR720M-729M
Aiwa CT-FR925M--CT-FX525M
Aiwa CT-FX719-729M-929M
Aiwa CT-R428M
Aiwa CT-R429M-409-419
Aiwa CT-X218-258-458
Aiwa CDC-Z106
Blaupunkt Berlin AR403
Blaupunkt Boston CC20
Blaupunkt Boston CC22
Blaupunkt Frankfurt RCM82
Blaupunkt Granada SQR22
Blaupunkt Granada SQR49
Blaupunkt Heidelberg SM21
Blaupunkt Paris RCR41
Blaupunkt Paris SQM48
Blaupunkt Trier CC31
Blaupunkt Verona CR43
Clarion PU-9358A-A
Daewoo AKF-8825
Kenwood KDC-7080R
LG TCC-2010
LG TCC-2510-15
LG TCC-570-572-670
Opel SC 202 C
Panasonic CQ-D50LEEP
Panasonic CQ-J03EEP
Panasonic CQ-R30VEG-CQ-R35
Panasonic CQ-RD4XLEN
Pioneer CD-P33
Pioneer DEH-605 RDS
Pioneer KE-1818-1616-1033
Pioneer KEH-1400-1450-1311-1100-1150-1300-1300 SDK
Pioneer KEH-3600-2600
Pioneer KEH-M9300-8300 RDS
Pioneer KEH-P3700R
Pioneer KEH-P5400R
Sony XR-7040
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Misc EEprom and MCU Programmers
Separate: 50 euro
AllPIC Programmer (schematics)
BOTBoard (68HC11)
BOTBoard 2 (68HC11)
Carradio Display Emulator by KOVYSoft (manuals + schematics)
Ceramica (VW, Audi, Blaupunkt) (manuals + schematics)
CXK101X EEprom Programmer v1.0
Display Emulator (software + schematic)
EEprom Programmer by Zoran M (software + keygen + schematic)
EEPROM Utilities v1.1b
Elnec SeeProg UEP (software + all schematics)
Eprom Programmer v3.3
EPROMr R2.1 Eprom Reader-Burner
ER-1400 EEprom Programmer v1.01
ETL HC08 Programmer (only software)
Flash MC Programmer I v1.3 ((full with all softwares and schematics)
Flash MC Programmer II v1.2 (full with all softwares and schematics)
Ford 77007 Emulator (software + schematic)
HASM Symbolic Assembler For The 68HC05 Family
JDM Programmer
JED Microprocessors EPROM Programmer
K1PGM MC68HC705K1 Programmer
LudiPIPO v1.0 Programmer for PIC16C84 (software + schematic)
MacRob Multi EEprom Programmer v7.0 (software + schematic)
MC68HC05 Smart EEprom Programmer v1.01
MDA + ICProg PCB rev 1.3 (software + schematics)
Moto Rock Programmer
Motorola HC05, HC705, HC11 (softwares + schematics)
Motorola HC05L28 EEporm Programmer v1.01
Motorola MCU Programer (all softwares and schematics)
Motorola Self-Check Programmer (schematic)
Orange Programmer
PC-Based 4Mbit EPROM Programmer
PGMR5 - MC68HCx05's
PKD-1 Dongle by Saras
Pony Programmer Serial Interface
Prog HC11
ProPic 2 Programmer (software + schematic)
PRUF Plus Programmer
ST6249 Programmer (software + schematic)
The 68HC805B6 Development Tool
The Handy Board
TMS370 Programmer (softwares + schematics + dongle HEX file)
Universal Programmer Analyser - UPA 2.2 (full schematic)
WILLEPRO Programmer (all required schematics)
X-Prog (softwares + schematics + dongle HEX file)
We’ll stop here, but just for a moment. Till now we’ve shown you: car diagnostic
softwares, dashboard softwares, dashboard calculators, airbag softwares, immo code
calculators, car radio calculators (from serial number and dump), car radio schematics and
car radio programmers. This not the end, because we still didn’t represent you all of our
solutions. Please, read next pages…
- Carsoft Mercedes 7.4 (fully cracked) + installation files
(works with any ISO9141 (K) line interface, except the one with
optocouplers). We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903 (both
schematics could be found at this DVD).
Separate: 200 euro
- Carsoft BMW 6.1 + SP4 (fully cracked) + installation files
(it also works with any ISO9141 (K-L) line interface, except the one with
optocouplers). We recommend “LM2903” interface with additional L line
solution (aslo can be found at this DVD).
Separate: 200 euro
- VISA Universal Diagnostic Tool v1.83 (fully cracked) + schematic
We recommend older Carsoft’s interface with two COM ports (this schematic
can be found at this DVD).
Check VUDT-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars.
Separate: 150 euro
- VAG-COM 208.1 - 311.2 installation files + key generator + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199.
(in this package you’ll also get all older versions (older and newer) of VAGCOM.
We don’t have CAN-BUS solution or any VAG-COM USB interface
Separate: 50 euro
- Volvo Fault Code Reader installation files + crack + schematic
We recommed interface with LM2903.
(this software can read out all fault codes on this models: 800 series (from
’96), C70 (from ‘97 till ‘98), S40 and V40 (from ’97 till ’98), S70 and V70
(from ’97 till ’98) and 900 series (include: S90 and V90 from ’96).
Separate: 50 euro
- BMW Scanner v1.2.3 - P.A.Soft, 2004 (fully cracked) + interface and
dongle schematics
(it is highly recommended to use all instructions given by P.A. Soft)
This software supports: DME, EGS, EWS, IKE and LCM on all BMW models
Separate: 80 euro
- BMW DS2 Diagnostic Scanner software + interface schematic
We recommend special BMW DS2 interface (schematic can be found at this
DVD). This software can diagnose all BMW models with DS2 protocol (mostly
those one with OBD2 diagnostic plug). It supports: DME/ME, IKE and
instrument cluster, EGS (automatic transmission), EWS (immobilizer), ABS,
AirCondition, LCM, PDC and ZKE
Separate: 40 euro
- Carsoft BMW v3.71 installation files + schematic + dongle HEX files
(all required information can be found at this DVD)
This software can diagnose all BMW models with 20-pin diagnostic plug
Separate: 30 euro
- Renault DDT Diagnostic Tool (French) installation files + database +
interface schematic
(all required information can be found at this DVD)
Separate: 40 euro
- OBD Tool version 1.2.60 and 1.2.59 installation files + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903.
(this software can read out fault codes on many ISO9141 vehicles with OBD2
diagnostic plug – it also support reading live data parameters on some models)
Separate: 40 euro
100% Tested Dashboard Softwares
Separate: 180 euro
- TACHOPRO 13011 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
- TACHOPRO 30039 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
- TACHOPRO 03038 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
- TACHOPRO 23013 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
Check TACHO23013-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars.
- TACHOPRO 28111 software + schematic + dongle HEX files
It is highly recommended to use only TACHO schematic interface
(this software can recalibrate KM in dashboard via OBD2 diagnostic plug)
This is so called TACHO BOX V2 and it’s the newest version which works in
Windows platforms. We recommend to use Windows 98 Second Edition.
(A4_alt.exe, A4mfa.exe, A6_alt.exe, A8_alt.exe, A8_neu.exe, Audi-Beetle-A
class.exe, Db.exe, Db_v23.exe, Db2000.exe, Dbneu.exe, E36.exe, E38.exe,
E38hw4.exe, E39.exe, Golf_mm.exe, Kennung.exe, Mag_s23.exe,
Mag_v1.exe, Mag_v2.exe, Magnet_4.exe, Magneti.exe, Moto_s13.exe,
Moto1.exe, Moto2.exe, Motom.exe, Polo_mm.exe, Service.exe, Sharan.exe,
Sp.exe, Tachopro.exe, Vdo2001.exe, Vdo66.exe, Vdo66a.exe, Vdo86.exe,
- Dashboard Opel Tool v0.8 software + schematic
We recommend interface with LM2903
(this software supports all Astra and Vectra models (older and newer), except
the one with TRW dashboards)
- VAG DashTool by GOPEL software + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903
(it can recalibrate KM and read out the login codes (immobilizer) via OBD2
diagnostic plug on these models: Golf IV VDO (93c86), Golf IV Motometer
(24c02), Skoda Octavia VDO (93c66), Audi A6 VDO (93c66), Audi A3 VDO
(93c66) and VW Passat B5 VDO (93c66 i 93c86))
It doesn’t support any model with CAN-BUS protocol!!!
- VAG EEprom Programmer v1.0 software + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199
(it can recalibrate KM and read out the login codes (immobilizer) via OBD2
diagnostic plug on these models: Audi A3 VDO 93C66, Audi A4 VDO 93C66,
Audi A6 VDO 93C66, Skoda Octavia VDO 93C66, VW Bora Motometer
24C02, VW Golf4 Motometer 24C02, VW Golf 4 VDO 93C66, VW Passat VDO
- VAG EEprom Programmer v1.3 software + schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199
A full list of supported cars is not avaiable, yet!
- VW Magneti Marelli softwares + interface and dongle schematics
We recommend interface with LM2903
(vw4.exe works with Audi A4 (VDO) and VW Passat ‘97 (green lights)
Magnetti Marelli; audib5.exe works with Audi and VW Passat (Magnetti
marelli); vwb5h.exe works with VW Passat (Magnetti Marelli)
- VAG VDO / Magneti Marelli software + interface
We recommend interface with LM2903
(it works with all VDO and Magneti Marelli dashboards in VAG cars)
- VW Golf III Motometer and VDO software + connection diagram
It can recalibrate KM on Golf III via TACHO connector on dashboard
- Dashmaster PRO EEprommer 2.4 and 2.2 software+ dongle schematic
This software can recalibrate KM directly via EEprom. It supports next serial
EEproms: 93c06, 93c46, 93c56, 93c66, 93c86, 24c02 and 24c16.
100% Tested Dashboard Calculators
Separate: 150 euro
- Dash Adjustment (universal calculator)
Check DA-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
- Dash Calibration 2.0.17 (universal calculator)
Check DC-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
- TACHO Calculator (universal calculator) cracked
This is cracked software, which can be very useful as a standard dashboard
Check TC-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
- TachoSoft's Mileage Calculator v1.7 (universal calculator)
Check TMC-Cars.pdf for a full list of supported cars
This calculator is protected with Armadillo. That’s not a problem, because in
this package, you’ll get all manuals about how to crack it.
- TachoSoft's Mileage Calculator v1.5 (universal calculator)
This calculator is protected with Armadillo. That’s not a problem, because in
this package, you’ll get all manuals about how to crack it.
- Licznik v5.16b (universal calculator) cracked
This is also another one cracked software, which can be used as a standard
calculator. This software also can recalibrate KM directly via EEprom, but for
that is needed special interface (that schematic can’t be found at this DVD). It
supports more than 30 different car models (Alfa, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Fiat,
Ford, Lancia, Mazda...)
- Licznik Daisy & Smok v3.69b (universal calculator) cracked
This is also another one cracked software, which can be used as a standard
calculator. This software also can recalibrate KM directly via EEprom, but for
that is needed special interface (that schematic can’t be found at this DVD). It
supports more than 20 different car models (Alfa, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Fiat,
Ford, Lancia, Mazda...)
- Fiat KM Calibration by GOPEL
Standard caluclator which supports mostly a newer Fiat models like: Scudo
and Punto with HC(9)08; Punto, Punto III, Seicento and Double with
ST95040; Brava with 93c56 and HC(7)05E6;
- Ford (Focus) KM Calculator by GOPEL
Calculator which supports some Focus models with HC11 and 24c16
- Alfa / Fiat / Lancia Dashboard Calculator
It supports: AlfaRomeo 156 with HC711KG4; Fiat Brava with HC(7)05; Fiat
Marea with HC(7)05E6 and HC(7)11K; Lancia Y with HC(7)05E6
- VW Golf5 KM Calibration by GOPEL
As you can assume from headline, this is caluclator for VW Golf V only
100% Tested Immo (Login Code) Calculators
Separate: 80 euro
- IMMOread v1.3.19 (universal caluclator)
From dashboard: VW Golf IV Motometer Rv97 and Rv99 (IMMO2); VW Golf
IV Motometer Rv2001 (IMMO3); VW Golf IV VDO Rv2000; VW Passat B5
VDO Rv98 and Rv99 (IMMO2); Audi TT Magnetti Mareli (HC908) Rv2001; Audi
A4 Jeager (HC912) Rv2000; Audi A4 Motometer i Jeager (HC12) Rv2000;
Audi A4 VDO Rv2000; Audi A4 NSI Rv1999; Audi A6 VDO Rv1997; Skoda
Octavia VDO Rv1997 (IMMO2); Škoda Octavia VDO Rv2002 (IMMO3) and
Opel Tigra (68HC05). Models with external immo: VW T4 2.5TDi Rv2003
(IMMO4); VW Polo 1.4i (68HC05) Rv95 i 96 and VW Polo till 2000 (Siemens)
and Skoda Felicia with 68HC05. From ECU: Skoda Fabia 1.4 MPi (93c86 i
93c76) and VW Group TDi EDC15xx.
- IMMOread v1.0 (universal caluclator)
VW Golf IV Motometer Rv97 and Rv99 (IMMO2); VW Passat B5 VDO Rv98
(IMMO2); Audi A4 VDO Rv 2000 (IMMO3); Skoda Octavia VDO Rv2002
(IMMO3) and Skoda Felicia with external immo.
- VAG PIN - Immobiliser VW Utility
1H0.953.257 (HC05); 6H0.953.257 (TMS370C712); VALEO (24C04 );
3B0.881.xxx; 3B0.920.825; 1J0.920.805F; 1J0.920.84x; 1J5.920.826C
(Skoda); 1M0.920.82x (Seat Leon); 1U0.920.811F; 1U1.033.xxx (Skoda);
6Y1.919.86x (Fabia); 8L0.920.900 (Audi A3); 8D0.919.861 (Audi B5) and
Yazaki Audi.
- TachoSoft's Immo Login Calculator
Audi VDO from ‘96 till 2000; All Audi with 93c86; Seat Toledo VDO from ’99
(93c86); Seat Toledo VDO from 2001 (93c86); Seat Ibiza VDO from ’99
(93c86); Skoda Felicia VDO from ’96 till 2001 (93c86); Skoda Fabia VDO
from 2001 till 2004 (93c86); Skoda Octavia VDO from ’96 till 2000; Skoda
Octavia VDO from ’99 till 2001 (93c86); Skoda Octavia VDO from 2001 till
2004 (93c86); Skoda Felicia (68HC05) with external immo; VW Golf 4
Motometer (24c02); VW Golf 4 VDO from ’96 till 2000; VW Passat VDO from
’96 till 2000 and VW Passat VDO with 93c86 from ’99 till 2001.
- Renault Immo Calculator via VIN and key number
This is original renault’s login (immo) code calculator via VIN and key number.
All required information about how to calculate a correcte code, can be found
at this DVD.
100% Tested Airbag Softwares
Separate: 100 euro
- BOSCH Airbag Reset Tool by GOPEL + interface schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199
This software can erase crash data from BOSCH’s airbag module on many
Audi models (via OBD2 diagnostic plug
- VW Airbag Reset Tool (so called Sensor) + interface schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903
This software can erase crash data from airbag module on some VW models
(via OBD2 diagnostic plug)). It supports next modules: VW2 (6N0...); VW3
(1J0...); VW5 (6Q0...1C0 (HC908)) and VW6 (6Q0...C). In this package you’ll
get all required documents about erasing crash data in airbag modules
- PCDVW93 AIRBAG-DIAGNOSTIC-COMPUTER + interface schematic
We recommend interface with MC33199 or LM2903
This software can erase crash data from VW3 airbag computer on some VW
- VAG AIRBAG Memory Scanner v1.03N + interface schematic
We recommend interface with LM2903
This software can erase crash data from any airbag module with 68HC05.
Those modules mostly can be found on some VAG models.
On these few pages you could see some more information about our 100% tested
solutions. Those softwares are very valuable and as we mentioned – this is really great
opportunity to get your own copy.
That’s not all, because we have many other solutions to offer you… Stay with us!
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Code Calculators from Serial Number
Separate: 100 euro
- BP CODE CALC by Phil Adams & Carl Burger
Available for most Blaupunkt car radio's with fixed code numbers (cover
models up to 2000). Note: OEM coded models - OPEL, NISSAN, BMW,
Citroen, Renault , Mercedes (cover models up to 2000)
- Fiat, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo Code Calculator by Phil Adams & Carl Burger
Available for most Blaupunkt Fiat, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo car radio's with fixed
code numbers
- Ford Radio Universal Code Calculator v1.1 cracked (so called FRUCC)
This calculator is protected with Armadillo. That’s not a problem, because in
this package, you’ll get all manuals about how to crack it.
It supports all Ford car radio’s with fixed code numbers (M, L and C series;
Old Models and FIC / American).
- Grundig Serial Codes
This is a original database with serial numbers and codes from all Grundig car
radios till 2000. Examples:
Grundig car radio in some VW vehicle:
VWZ2Z2V4000014 – serial number
41/10/97 - date
1280 – code
Gurndig car radio in some OPEL vehicle:
GM0303P1000038 – serial number
36/09/93 - date
9168 - code
- Becker Calculator by Elcar
This is a calculator for all Becker’s with 4, 6 and 8 buttons. It also supports
some models with 4-digit code.
- FX2K Radio Decoder Professional
This software contains of calculators with algorithm for: Becker, Blaupunkt,
Clarion, Daewoo, Ford, Hyndai and Volvo.
Car Radio Decoding Tools
SmartCard Emulators
Separate: 30 euro
- Blaupunkt SmartCard Emulator with ATMEL 89C2051
This is a simple emulator of BP smart cards.
Package includes: all required schematics, dongle HEX file and instructions for
smart card installation into a car radio.
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Code Calculators from DUMP
Separate: 15 euro
AISSA09 Mercedes Audio 10 Decoder
Blaupunkt Code Calculator
Blaupunkt Code Viewer by Bacila v0.02 beta
Blaupunkt Peugeot T1 Series Code Viewer v1.0b
BMW Bavaria C Business RDS (KEH-92) Code Calculator
BP Lubeck CC22 Code Calculator
Carradio EEprom Code Reader v1.10
Clarion CD6300 Calculator
Clarion Decoder
Code Calculator Second Edition 157 by VAF
Code Calculator Second Edition v2.12.51.63
Daewoo Code Calculator
Daewoo Serial Number Calculator v1.0
Daewoo Serials Calculator 1.00
Decoder Pioneer KE92zbm
Display Emulator v2.0 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v2.1 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v2.52 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v2.6 by KOVYSoft
Display Emulator v3.0
Dragon Electronics Radio Decoder v1.1a
Dump Reader v1.1.0 by TeeD'Ex
Dump Utility v1.01
Dump Utility v2.0 beta
Dump Utility v4.0
Dump Utility v4.1
EEprom Burner v1.1.39
EPROMr Control Software v2.0.0
Ford 70007 Code Viewer by Vic
Ford Car Radio Decode by Steve Stargate
Ford Code Calculator by AS-COMP
Ford Code Reader v1.0 Demo
Ford Code Reader v1.03 Full
Ford Old Serial Code Calculator
Ford Sound 2000 by Digital
Ford Sound 2000 Series Code Decrypter v1.01
Ford Sound 2000 Series Code Decrypter v2.00
Grundig Code Calculator
Grundig Code Remover v1.0 by GNM_Soft
Grundig SC303 (D) Checksum Calculator
Grundig SC303D Code Calculator by GNM_Soft
Grundig WKC Series Code Calculator v3.0 by stef_no1
Grundig WKC Series Code Calculator v3.10 by stef_no1
Grundig WKC Series Code Calculator v4.0 by stef_no1
Hyundai Calculator (H810, 820, 850)
KOVYSoft Encrypter (Grundig & Ford)
Philips CAR400
Philips CCR600 v1.2d by DoctoraBG
Philips CCR600 v1.2e by DoctoraBG
Philips Code Reader v0.02
Philips Code Reader v1.03 Full
TMS Code Calculator v1.2
Volvo CR-705 Code Calculator 1.01
Volvo CR-905 Code Calculator 1.00
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Car Radio Schematics
Car Radio Schematics
Separate: 15 euro
Aiwa ADC-M60-EX66-EX106
Aiwa CDC-175-1750-150
Aiwa CDC-R136
Aiwa CDC-R-146M
Aiwa CDC-X116-X136-X1360-X1400
Aiwa CDC-X176M-1765M
Aiwa CDC-Z106
Aiwa CT-208-218-418
Aiwa CT-FR706-709
Aiwa CT-FR720M-729M
Aiwa CT-FR925M--CT-FX525M
Aiwa CT-FX719-729M-929M
Aiwa CT-R428M
Aiwa CT-R429M-409-419
Aiwa CT-X218-258-458
Aiwa CDC-Z106
Blaupunkt Berlin AR403
Blaupunkt Boston CC20
Blaupunkt Boston CC22
Blaupunkt Frankfurt RCM82
Blaupunkt Granada SQR22
Blaupunkt Granada SQR49
Blaupunkt Heidelberg SM21
Blaupunkt Paris RCR41
Blaupunkt Paris SQM48
Blaupunkt Trier CC31
Blaupunkt Verona CR43
Clarion PU-9358A-A
Daewoo AKF-8825
Kenwood KDC-7080R
LG TCC-2010
LG TCC-2510-15
LG TCC-570-572-670
Opel SC 202 C
Panasonic CQ-D50LEEP
Panasonic CQ-J03EEP
Panasonic CQ-R30VEG-CQ-R35
Panasonic CQ-RD4XLEN
Pioneer CD-P33
Pioneer DEH-605 RDS
Pioneer KE-1818-1616-1033
Pioneer KEH-1400-1450-1311-1100-1150-1300-1300 SDK
Pioneer KEH-3600-2600
Pioneer KEH-M9300-8300 RDS
Pioneer KEH-P3700R
Pioneer KEH-P5400R
Sony XR-7040
Car Radio Decoding Tools
Misc EEprom and MCU Programmers
Separate: 50 euro
AllPIC Programmer (schematics)
BOTBoard (68HC11)
BOTBoard 2 (68HC11)
Carradio Display Emulator by KOVYSoft (manuals + schematics)
Ceramica (VW, Audi, Blaupunkt) (manuals + schematics)
CXK101X EEprom Programmer v1.0
Display Emulator (software + schematic)
EEprom Programmer by Zoran M (software + keygen + schematic)
EEPROM Utilities v1.1b
Elnec SeeProg UEP (software + all schematics)
Eprom Programmer v3.3
EPROMr R2.1 Eprom Reader-Burner
ER-1400 EEprom Programmer v1.01
ETL HC08 Programmer (only software)
Flash MC Programmer I v1.3 ((full with all softwares and schematics)
Flash MC Programmer II v1.2 (full with all softwares and schematics)
Ford 77007 Emulator (software + schematic)
HASM Symbolic Assembler For The 68HC05 Family
JDM Programmer
JED Microprocessors EPROM Programmer
K1PGM MC68HC705K1 Programmer
LudiPIPO v1.0 Programmer for PIC16C84 (software + schematic)
MacRob Multi EEprom Programmer v7.0 (software + schematic)
MC68HC05 Smart EEprom Programmer v1.01
MDA + ICProg PCB rev 1.3 (software + schematics)
Moto Rock Programmer
Motorola HC05, HC705, HC11 (softwares + schematics)
Motorola HC05L28 EEporm Programmer v1.01
Motorola MCU Programer (all softwares and schematics)
Motorola Self-Check Programmer (schematic)
Orange Programmer
PC-Based 4Mbit EPROM Programmer
PGMR5 - MC68HCx05's
PKD-1 Dongle by Saras
Pony Programmer Serial Interface
Prog HC11
ProPic 2 Programmer (software + schematic)
PRUF Plus Programmer
ST6249 Programmer (software + schematic)
The 68HC805B6 Development Tool
The Handy Board
TMS370 Programmer (softwares + schematics + dongle HEX file)
Universal Programmer Analyser - UPA 2.2 (full schematic)
WILLEPRO Programmer (all required schematics)
X-Prog (softwares + schematics + dongle HEX file)
We’ll stop here, but just for a moment. Till now we’ve shown you: car diagnostic
softwares, dashboard softwares, dashboard calculators, airbag softwares, immo code
calculators, car radio calculators (from serial number and dump), car radio schematics and
car radio programmers. This not the end, because we still didn’t represent you all of our
solutions. Please, read next pages…